Oct 3, 2009

The Blessing

Barry twisted and wove a thorn bush into a crown of thorns.
I picked it up and stabbed my fingers and hand. I asked Barry, didn't that hurt trying to weave a hat from a thorn bush. He say's: "Well, I said Ouch a lot..!"

So Mike, thinking it made him look a lot like Jesus, decided to give the bikes a blessing. This is NOT blaspheme. It's just a bunch of guys in the woods of Maine having some fun. So please, don't write me any letters.

But during the Blessing of the Fleet, one bike didn't quite meet Brother Mike's high expectations.

And everyone wanted to know why.

What's the story to cause this..?

Apparently on Sunday's ride,
Jeff had such a bad time with his KTM,
and he was cursing it up and down so much,
Everyone said he should have left it in the
tree and stuck with the quad.

Now that's the alleged story...
I was not on Sundays ride because
I couldn't make it up the first rocky hill
and went back to Camp to mind the Keg
long before even young Zack called it a day.

And of course,
besides all the regular KTM wise cracks...
Keep The Mechanic
Kick The Mechanic
Kawasaki Training Machine

they all had to come up with more...
Kan't Take the Mud
Keep That off the Mountain
Keep it in the Tree Mountain-Boy

Sorry Jeff,
But this was the story I heard.


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