Oct 9, 2009

Of No Particular Order

So I guess we'll start with the group shot. Can we fit any more people in this picture?
I made sure we got the group shot on Saturday this time because we knew some guys were going to bail early on Sunday. It was like herding mice trying to get everybody to stop for five minutes. Twenty seven is the high number to date..! Ya couldn't swing a cat without hitting someone.     (remember you can click almost any picture for a blowup)
Hang up the phone, would 'cha?!

We even had tents set up out back in Ben's camp. That was a first. Figures this is the one year his son shows up with his family to go hiking. Pete talked with him and I guess he was alright with it. What are Ya gona' do?

Tents and campers out across the road on Gary's property too. He's the neighbor up the end of the road and always has a good word for us. He went with a crew to the dump this year to get rid of a bunch of old metal that was piling up in the side yard. I think he was tired of seeing it as he passed by, so down he came...

"You guys, load that crap on a trailer and I'll come by in the morning and we'll get it out'a here." Pete had talked about getting a dump sticker, but never seemed to get up here in time (Slacker..!) to get to Town Hall. Done! Thanks Gary.
                                                                                                                and turn that flag around

I think neighbor Ed wanted to adopt Justin as a new grandson.
He was whackin' everybody else with his cane. Geeze...

Chill with the look. There's still more to come

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